If you are in need of City Services please call 311.
If you are in need of Statewide Services please call 211.
Legal Resources for Renters in Baltimore City
The following organizations provide free legal advice, and, in some cases, representation to renters facing eviction and other landlord-tenant issues. These organizations take different types of cases and all have capacity limitations. Please review the types of services that these organizations provide in the parenthesis below before calling. Note that “subsidized” housing refers to any form of housing choice voucher, public housing, or other government-subsidized housing:
Maryland Legal Aid (advice and representation – focused on subsidized housing cases; same day representation for failure to pay rent eviction cases possible) 410-951-7777, www.mdlab.org
Public Justice Center (advice and representation – focused on non-subsidized housing cases) 410-625-9409 www.publicjustice.org
Homeless Persons Representation Project (advice and representation – focused on subsidized housing cases) 443-402-5395, chatfield@hprplaw.org , www.hprplaw.org
Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland /Tenant Volunteer Lawyer of the Day Program (advice and same-day representation in rent court – will meet tenant at court) 443-703-3053, www.probonomd.org
Disability Rights Maryland (housing cases involving a tenant or family member with a disability), 410-727-6352 https://disabilityrightsmd.org/
Maryland Courts Self-Help Center (advice and referrals on housing and other civil cases), 410-260-1392, mdcourts.gov/selfhelp

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a federal government program that offers eligible Baltimore City households $30/month toward home internet services. Combined with the $15/month subsidy from the Maryland Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, eligible households can get up to $45/month toward home internet services.