Trauma-Informed Care Task Force
In February, 2020, Baltimore became the first US city to legislate trauma-informed care with passage of the Elijah Cummings Healing City Act.
In 2021, Baltimore convened its Trauma-Informed Care Task Force—a key component of the act—to lead the city’s efforts to ensure that delivery of services across all agencies is trauma-informed.
Over the last year, the Task Force members—who represent a broad range of experiences with trauma—have been meeting bi-weekly to explore and develop ways to prioritize the health and healing of our communities. The Task Force is co-chaired by Councilman Zeke Cohen, who sponsored the Healing City bill.
Increasing trauma-informed care for youth is one of the seven priorities of the Baltimore Children’s Cabinet.
Watch #mybmore's next Trauma-Informed Care Task Force meeting at 5:30pm live on YouTube bi-weekly.
Task Force Meetings
All meetings occur at 5:30pm on the first and third Thursday of each month and are livestreamed and saved on YouTube.
Recent Meetings Upcoming Meetings
December 1 Agenda
July 21 Agenda
July 7 Agenda
June 16 Agenda
June 2 Agenda
May 19 Agenda
May 5 Agenda
April 7 Agenda
March 17 Agenda
March 3 Agenda
February 17 Agenda
February 3 Agenda
January 20 Agenda
January 6 Agenda
December 16 Agenda
December 2 Agenda
November 18 Agenda
November 4 Agenda
October 21 Agenda
October 7 Agenda
September 16 Agenda
September 2 Agenda
August 19 Agenda
August 5 Agenda
The task force is comprised of 10 city agency representatives and 16 community members (nine recommended by the Mayor and seven recommended by the Council President). Task force members include one or more representatives from each of the below categories:
Naturalized citizen or a resident alien
Representative from community organization, nonprofit or youth organization that has an expertise in trauma and healing
Representative of an organization with a focus on LGBTQ advocacy
Representative of an organization with an explicit focus on racial equity
Teacher in Baltimore City Public Schools
Youth representative from a youth-led advocacy group
City Council member
Individual between 14 and 25 years of age
Individual licensed to practice in Maryland as a pediatrician
Individual licensed to practice in Maryland as a social worker
Individual who recently exited from the Maryland correctional system
Individual with at least one child enrolled in Baltimore City Public Schools
Licensed clinician with expertise in trauma and healing
Member of the research community with expertise in trauma and healing
Task Force Committees
Decolonizing Trauma Frameworks and Interventions—Co-Chairs: Shawna Murray Brown and Monica Guerrero Vazquez
Developing Citywide Trauma Informed Care Policies—Co-Chairs: Fareeha Waheed and Nneka Namdi
Developing Trauma-Responsive Practices Across Medical Institutions—Co-Chairs: Lindsay Gavin and Panagis Galiatsatos
Training, Assessment and Evaluation for Agencies and Community—Co-Chairs: Desyree Dixon and Corey Witherspoon
Youth Programs: Determining Supports for Young People Across Baltimore to Address Trauma—Co-Chairs: Destini Philpot, Lydell Hills and Young Elder
Committee Presentations
Generating Common Language about the Trauma We are Tasked with Addressing
Presenter: Daniel Parson
Trauma: Defining Terms
Presenter: Tamar Mendelson
Expanded Adverse Childhood Experiences/Urban ACEs
Presenter: Raguel F. Broy
Repairing Our Wings: The Impact of Blight and a Recipe for Healing
Presenter: Nneki Nnamdi
Enduring the Trauma of Racism: Centering the Intersection of Historic and Racial Trauma
Presenter: Shawna Murray Browne
General Information & Resources