Baltimore City
Eviction Prevention Program
To keep Baltimore City families in their homes
NOTICE: Eviction Prevention Program
The City of Baltimore’s Rental Assistance Program will be ending the current application period and closing its Rental Assistance Program application portal to new applications on February 3, 2023.

What people are saying…
“During these times it has been very difficult financially for both tenants and landlords. I was so impressed with Ms. Duckett’s high level of professionalism and responsiveness to my inquiries. I really appreciated her attitude and compassion.”
— Armentha
“You immediately went to work on my case and within days I was receiving hopeful correspondence. My fears began to slowly subside and for once in many weeks I was able to get a full night’s sleep… Not only have you helped me financially, you brightened my mood from fear to hope.”
— Beverly
“Jacob, Carvel and Mrs. White—Your unconditional supports towards my recent [need for] rental assistance… you have no idea what this means to me. I am moved with joy and I’m ever so thankful for your listening ear and open heart towards my current situation.”