Spring’s here! We're focusing the Rocking Quarantine content on events and activities to help you stay active and keep your brain busy during the spring season. Scroll down to discover a variety of engaging options for you and your family!

Have something that you’d like us to share? Just send a brief message to childrenandfamilysuccess@baltimorecity.gov

Corner Team, Inc is open Monday through Saturday to build your mind and body with an open boxing gym and a community that will always be in your corner. Open to all ages.

Manga, bunnies and turtles... oh my! Enoch Pratt Free Library offers a variety of “Take & Make” kits to keep your hands busy for days. Make yourself a new wallet, your own squishy stress ball or your next change-making sign -- the possibilities are endless!

Miss Anime club? Check out these kits like Avatar: the Last Airbender, Dragon Ball or Gotcha from Enoch Pratt Free Library to bring Anime club home instead.

The kit includes crafts, recipes and printouts from different anime and manga collections. Let's not forget the manga and anime themselves! Fill out this preference survey to let them know which one you’d like and you can arrange a time to pick it up from the Forest Park Branch location. While supplies last.


Single Black mothers often work more than one job to support their families and Black women especially suffer disproportionately from abuse, disease and incarceration. With these odds against them, they are often in need of support systems. That’s why Tendea Family hosts a free dinner every Wednesday, 4:30-6:30pm, for Black women of all ages to strengthen one another and build womanhood.

Starting a business can be difficult. That’s why BizKids can help you take the first step! They offer a library of dynamic video content, free lesson plans and engaging activities on topics like the financial basics, saving and investing, all the way up to making your own business plan.

It is an empowering and rewarding experience to write an hour each week at the same time and place. These weekly writing sessions powered by Enoch Pratt Free Library are a safe space for writers to work on their craft and build their daily writing discipline. Catch one every Tuesday from 12-1:30pm through July 2021.


PJs, popcorn and free movies? Say no more. Get together virtually with all of your film friends and dive into these free movies online.

Tendea Family's Community Cleanup serves as a place of healing where Black men can come together weekly in Baltimore. Every Sunday morning from 10am-12pm, Tendea cleans neighborhoods across the city while engaging with residents to connect them to the resources and opportunities that they need.

The National Aquarium and the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore both have multiple live stream cameras that show different habitats in real time. At the zoo, catch the penguins during feeding time or watch the flamingos bathe in the water. The aquarium has lenses on the blacktip reef sharks, the jellyfish pool and the Pacific coral reef.


When testing out new solutions, many of them often fail, but you don't give up; you go back to the drawing board. “The Drawing Board” by the Tendea Family is a weekly discussion forum, bookclub, thinktank and much more!

This community gathering brings out people of all ages who are interested in creating solutions to the problems that Baltimore City faces. The books Tendea chooses are focused on Black history and issues that are relevant to Baltimore City.

Calling all middle school students! In Wide Angle Youth Media’s free, 8-week spring program, students will use video, audio, photography and illustration to create original, storytelling art. Evening virtual classes run from April 6 - May 27.

Apply here.

Baltimore youth, Christian Ato, created a podcast to destroy oppressive societal norms one podcast at a time. Episodes include: Five Tips To Help Your Friends Through Their Depression, Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Insecurities and The Survival Guide To Bad Mental Health. You can listen to all of them and more here.


Students of Wide Angle Youth Media (WAYM) have made many videos over the years. Their Vimeo account is a collection of over 200 videos. Check them out here. Learn more about WAYM here.